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  3. Managing Emails, Usernames and Passwords

Managing Emails, Usernames and Passwords

Your Email address, username, and password are how Weshare identifies you. You use this information when you log in, and you need to be able to access the email address you use to get help with certain support questions. This guide explains how to change or recover your username and how to change or reset your password.

Find your email address

The email address you use to log into Weshare. If you’ve forgotten your login email address, or if you get the error message “email address doesn’t exist” when you try to log in, check for previous emails from Weshare in your inbox. It will show you which email address you used for login in.

If that doesn’t work, contact support. Please include the following info:

  • The link to your standalone scheduling page where your clients book appointments. If that isn’t possible, provide the link to any page where your clients book appointments.
  • The email address you’re trying to log in with.

Once we receive that information, we’ll send a password reset link to the correct email address. You’ll then be able to log in with your email and reset your password. Seeing the email from us lets you know which email address to use to log in.

Change your email address

At this moment you can’t change your email address through Weshare. Please contact support to change your login email address.

Find your username

Your username is the way customers can find your profile, it’s a unique handle that sets you apart from the rest. If you’ve forgotten your username, you’d need to do these steps to find your username:

  1. In Weshare, click on your Profile Picture dropdown on the top right side of the screen.
  2. Then, click on Settings.
  3. Under Your Username you’ll see your username.

Edit your username

To edit your username:

  1. In Weshare, click on your Profile Picture dropdown on the top right side of the screen.
  2. Then, click on Settings.
  3. Under Your Username you’ll see your username,
  4. Edit the text of your username and changes will be saved automatically.
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Reset your password

If you’ve forgotten your password, use the steps below to reset it.

To reset your password:

  1. Go to this page
  2. Click the Forgot password? link.
  3. Enter your email address.
  4. Go to your email inbox and find the password reset message from Weshare.
  5. Click Reset your password.
  6. Type in your new password, then click Save password.

If you have trouble using the forgotten password link:

  • Ensure the email address you’re entering is the one you use as your Weshare account email address
  • Try a different browser, such as Chrome, Firefox, or Safari
  • Ensure your browser allows third-party cookies
Updated on February 17, 2022

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